life experience

Day 23: 15 Facts

What could I possibly tell you that you don’t already know? About George there may be a lot!! About myself wow this will definitely be hard. I am totally a weirdo just let me warn you!

1. I am a stomach sleeper

2. I over analyze everything

3. I have anxiety attacks, and no they are not treated…yet

4. I want to be a mother so bad!!

5. Strawberries are my favorite fruit

6. Ranch dressing is ALWAYS a condiment with my pizza…even the NY slice (blasphemy!)

7. Pasta is my weakness

8. Working on my self-esteem, sadly its low 😦

9. Despite ^ I am surprisingly confident

10. Major Perfectionist

11. Wishes my family were more supportive, or at least more excited

12. I sing alone, but if I notice I have an audience it immediately sounds like I swallowed a frog

13. I love movies/entertainment. Especially..well all of them!! Musicals make my knees buckle 🙂

14. What I really look like, does not match what I see in my head

15. God is, and will always be, the center of my marriage, I can’t wait to FINALLY call George my husband 🙂 And watch him lead our family in the ways that God calls him.

Well, that wasn’t as bizarre as I thought it was gonna be lol Although I am a weirdo lol Those of you that knew me “back in the day” understand just how weird. I love Star Wars and is starting to like Star Trek. Video Games used to consume me untill I had to sell my system to pay some bills 😦 I really want another system….Haha I realize I keep going on and on, but you read my blog to be entertained, or to find an outlet from a very boring day. I can at least give you something to laugh about or learn. Or realize that you life is not that bad, I am crazy and now you know it lol

I’ll let George write his own list, I thik that will be fun 🙂

Thanks for reading! I hope you had fun getting to know me 🙂

Day 22: A Letter

hmmmmm….supposed to write a letter to some one who has hurt me recently. While I do believe it may be completely irrelevant while extremely personal. I agreed to this I guess, so I shall do it. Names will be changed if any are mentioned and please be aware that I do not take kindly to individuals attempting to pry information from me. 🙂


Dear you,

     Among the last few years we have grown apart. While one side of you struggles the other is trying to pull you back. You are a very contradictory and there is a struggle within you to find out where your loyalty does lye. Having to struggle everyday to break your old habits is very tiring. Watching you drive yourself crazy is an awful thing and I wish I didn’t have to. Like the Tim McGraw song says,”You ain’t gotta dig too deep If you wanna find some dirt on me I’m learning who you’ve been Ain’t who you’ve got to be It’s gonna be an uphill climb Aww honey I won’t lie. I ain’t no angel I still got a still few more dances with the devil I’m cleanin up my act, little by little I’m getting there I can finally stand the man in the mirror I see I ain’t as good as I’m gonna get But I’m better than I used to be. I’ve pinned a lot of demons to the ground I’ve got a few old habits left There’s one or two I might need you to help me get Standin in the rain so long has left me with a little rust But put some faith in me And someday you’ll see There’s a diamond under all this dust…” I don’t want the things that have done to be remembered. I want the things and accomplishments now to be the ones people remember. My heart feels so acheful as if it about to break, I hold this secret day after day, and it eats away at me. Never talking about it has seemed to make it go away but in the mind of this very broken person it is a daily thought. I hope we can get past all of our indiscretions and become closer  to each other. Where the 2 parts of us come together to create this one complete entity and be the disciple of God we are choosing to become.

Love always,–Me

Day 16:Homosexuality

Alright I already see that this is going to start a HUGE issue. So if you continue reading, good for you. If you read a little bit and get mad, good for you.

We have actually had this conversation around Miyoshis’ kitchen table. Some people said, “Something is chemically wrong in the brain and it becomes a disease. Humans were ment to reproduce and there is no way a man and a man can make a baby.” Then the other is, “why are they that way if God didn’t make them that way?’ In a previous post I mentioned it says in Leviticus 18:22 “You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination.”   Well, being gay is kinda the norm nowadays. I honestly have many friends and family that are gay. I love them.

Now the real question…do I think it is wrong? Well the bible says it is. I am a christian I believe in God and Jesus and all the miracles…but I do believe that when he created all creatures, he made us all different. How are we to really know unless we were there as Jesus spoke?

We also have to remember that the bible was written by men. Godly men!

We are all creatures of the same universe. We are all born of a sperm and an egg. We are all HUMAN! So if it is wrong then that is between them and God. I will not judge another, especially someone I love.

Broken Hearts & New Starts

I failed to notice that my last post was the first post in the new year!!!

George is absolutely amazing!! I am so lucky to have a Mr. Wonderful! On christmas day he surprised me as we opened our gifts. Not just any surprise but a trip to SC for new years because we were not there for christmas. I love him! Anyway, on the way down I got a text from my mom saying my grandfather was in the ICU. So that portion was terribly unpleasant…but he is doing better now he is home! yay!

A few other terrible things happening at the end of 2011…two break-ups! Not a great way to end/start a year. While one relationship was bound to happen the other was full of confessions and anger. I would be pretty mad if I was told George was being unfaithful. Oh and to boot said he wanted to be alone, then he had  another girlfriend before the night was over!! What a scum bag! I would love to punch him in the face. She is a wonderful amazing person and she deserves so much better. So young but is definitely more mature than most people my age…Well the best thing that came out of that is she has more time for college and she has a few awesome pairs of shoes!! 🙂 My kinda gal!

The reality that 2011 left was that we all could be better people. As a whole we could definitely use a stronger nation. On a more personal note, I started this blog in March of that year…it has kept me honest. I post to get my feelings out. To get my opinions heard when most of the time I feel like I am in the background. Here I can be myself, even when the world deems that I am “a woman”, “women are to be seen not heard”  type of crap. Then on some days I feel like I am silently giving the finger to all the people who make me mad, upset, or delighted to have known them…:) is that weird??

Plus the upcoming presidential election is CRAKING ME UP!! Seriously…can’t wait till we actually figure out whom the running candidates will be…we shall see!!! 🙂

A few things I would like to say….

Thank you God for the blessings you bestowed upon me in 2011.

Thank you George for being the most amazing man you could possibly be.

And last but not least, My kinda gal (anon for a reason) You are an amazing and honest girl. Any guy would be lucky and should be thanking the heavens and the earth that he found you. Just because this happened once doesn’t mean they all will be like this. I know you know that but I am glad I was there to help you laugh and to vent. You are definitely amazing! Even if you never read this, I hope you know it. Love ya lots girl, buy those shoes they are fabulous!! Just remember, “wee bee toogedahh fourevvah” “I cumm too dah ameriicaah” lol 🙂

A lot of wonderful things are happening in 2012. I am FINALLY in college, I am getting married, some of my friends are having babies and THEY are getting married…*sigh BRING IT ON 2012!!!

C’mon Irene!

PHEW!!! Thank goodness that’s over! Prayers need to be sent to Vermont!! I have a few friends that live there and they got hit with the Hurricane  WORSE than we did! Living on Long Island sure does have some ups and downs! 🙂

In preparing for Hurricane Irene, a week before, George and I went…dun dun dun GROCERY SHOPPING! 🙂 For all the things you need during said disaster such as, jugs of water, water bottles, batteries, flashlights, non-perishable food, dog food, ((we haven’t actively gone shopping in 2 months)) and a few miscellaneous things we have been meaning to get. OH and filling up the cars with gas…VERY important. During the actually storm we stayed at his Aunts. Our apartment is not exactly “hurricane friendly”, she also has 2 dogs, they and Boo get along fantastically. She was mandated to work at the town shelter since she works for the town and we had the house practicaly to ourselves.

Despite being terrified I looked on the bright-side, we were on the outskirts of the storm. Lots of trees went down, power went out ((even now on Thursday people still don’t have power)) Cable runs on power 🙂 so no cable for Georgie Bear to drown me out. We had take out from the night before that we heated up in the metal tins it came in on the propane grill outside. ((her stove was electric))  Listened to the radio as we ate, as well as all day, I sat on the love seat reading by the daylight shining through the window, and George and the dogs napped on the couch. After lunch most of the storm had passed so to let a bit of cool air in we opened a few windows, while playing a few games of UNO, simply delightful.

I looked over at George as he slept and I was over come with a very warm feeling. Like a blanket of happiness was put upon me. Him, so peaceful. I, quietly reading as the cool air floated through the house. The only sounds that could be heard were wind whistling through the screen door, Carried Away by George Strait playing on the radio 🙂 ((ironically)) and of course George, Teddy, Yogi, and Boos’ snores 🙂 Despite the devastation that could have been caused, and despite the power outage it was perfect. That day anyway was perfect!


The Weather channel says that “Katia” may pose a threat to LI as well, I guess we will have to see since its predicted land fall is in 4 days. the title for this post you may be thinking it is a bit strange. Yes it is but, a co-worker of mine, Chicago was singing “Come On Irene” instead of “Come On Eileen”, the popular ’80’s tune by Dexies Midnight Runners. Found it HILARIOUS!! So here is the song for the inspiration…




It makes me laugh, my favorite music comes from the 70s, 80s, and 90s.  Actually add the 50s and 60s 🙂 Wow there are alot of smiley faces in this post…I guess thats a GRRREEEEAAAATTTT ((insert Tony the Tiger Voice here)) thing lol






Thanks for reading!!!



“Silent Sound” reblog…

While I did not right this, it is written by a gentleman. Goforths Journal is the name of his blog. Very interesting! This particular post struck an extremly personal chord within me and I wanted to not only share his but help you get to really know me and my journey…


Growing up and being rejected I tried hard to get used to the fact that no one wanted me around and to learn to be content with just me.  I was never one who enjoyed the silence.  Left alone with my thoughts my brain never stopped.  I was and have always been my own worst enemy.  The things I dislike most about myself and the things I ruminated on.  Being told you don’t fit or belong time and time again only played into this.  I have never been one of those people who are very comfortable in my own skin.  If people didn’t want to be around me, my Dad didn’t want to be around me, clearly I wasn’t all that desirable.   I kept to myself, my thoughts and my world, I shut down and shut out the world, crying wasn’t any use because that would only make me a target for people to mock.  So I would walk around fearful of people, trying hard to blend in, not be noticed and just left alone.

I believe this is where my first love of music came into place.  I didn’t want the silence, that was deafening and a reminder of all the rejection.  So, I found music to be a place I could lose myself.  Since that time music has always been a place I could find solace.  The lyrics of many songs often identified with how I was feeling.   I don’t remember at what point but I used to make tapes of music I loved to listen to and depending on my mood a lot of the times my way of coping with being alone was to make tapes of really sad and lonely songs and then listen to them over and over.  As I listened to the words blasting from the stereo it would bring me to the point where I could actually cry and feel emotion.

Over the years music has always remained the one thing I carry with me.  I’ve had my headphones, Diskman, iPod and my phone.  I’ve always got music on the radio, computer or laptop.  Music is with me from the time I wake up in the morning till I fall asleep at night.  It’s been there more than anything else and I can always count on it.

I have never grown comfortable with silence.  Even as an adult I hate conversations that don’t flow easily, gaps of time where no one is speaking.  It is always awkward riding in a vehicle when the conversation comes to a halt and no one is talking.  My mind begins racing about what should we talk about next so there isn’t a lull in the conversation.

In my adult life it’s been odd, I have periods of time where I have a lot of friends that I do a lot of things with and then somehow through circumstances those friends move, change jobs or churches and the relationship is not the same and the communication fizzles out.  I end up going back to feelings of being alone with no one to talk to.  Even though I do have friends and really good friends it is still remains difficult and sometimes I harsh reminder of my past.  More times than not I feel like I put all the energy into most of my friendships. When it’s not reciprocated or I get nothing  for a long time I go back to feeling all alone, it’s then I just pull back completely and return to music.

Even in my walk with God I have struggled with this.  There are times I have purposely made it so I did have quiet time and could shut out the world to focus on God.  I don’t practice this as much as I should, I do believe it should be a regular practice.  The world and the things of this world drowned out God so we can’t stay focused on him.  All part of Satan’s plan I believe.  I do try to make it a priority first thing in the morning either going for a walk or on my way to work, just spending time alone with God praying, listening and waiting for him to speak to me.

Maybe that’s why I had a large family and a house full of people.  I don’t want to be in a place where something isn’t going on or happening.  I want to be in a place where someone talks to you.   My house is always full and our house in our neighborhood is the spot to be.  People are constantly going in and out, and there are times where I do need a break and just need some silence and I try to take it, but give me 5 minutes of silence and it immediately takes me back to being alone and I hate that.

The struggle of silence will most likely be a battle I face all my life.  Taking time out and just being silent is healthy, listening to your heart, your mind and your body will tell you a lot.  Most importantly taking time out and spending it with God is what I need for to center and give myself direction.  Silence has a place; it’s just a hard place to be for me.


     See that was amazing! While I never really was “rejected” I felt as if I had no place in this world. As if I were the “mistake” for a long time within my family. Music is a huge part of my life and I find it hard to function without, like Goforth I play music from the time I get up and sometimes I play my radio through the night. My ringtone on my blackberry is even music 🙂 Not one of those annoying AT&T rings 🙂 Silence bothers me, I do not enjoy being alone or even worse awkward silence…scary. Anyway I notice I am rambling, it is 10:15 pm and I am sleepy work early in the morning!


Thank You for reading!!