

“What’s in a name? That which we call a rose,
By any other name would smell as sweet;” -Juliet Act II Scene II

There is a classic quote from one of the best plays by Mr. Billy Shakespeare, Romeo & Juliet. I think quite often and probably more than I should about how words became the words we use. How did our dictionary become words with meanings? Who decided we would call this object a fork? Who was the person that described this as hot? Yea, I know I am totally a weirdo but I began to think more about it when my husband and I started to name our little one.

How hard is that by the way?! To name someone whom you have never met? And they have this name for their whole lives…that is totally a lot of pressure. We wanted it to be a pretty girl name but I also wanted to give her a very strong womanly name that she would be proud of. So we decided on Aubriegh Mae, Mae is very old school and is after my grandmother and ๐Ÿ™‚ Nanny BEGGED me at one point to never name my daughter Ida ๐Ÿ™‚ So I didn’t. ๐Ÿ™‚ Plus one of his aunts mentioned to put “DR” in front of the name and if it sounded good it should be a contender…well if my daughter became a doctor I really don’t care what her name was. I would be a very happy momma! Stillย Dr. Aubriegh Buckingham sounds pretty awesome.

While this particular blog is just funny and random and just some thoughts running round in my head, I find myself wondering lots of weird things since becoming pregnant. If I will be any good at being a mom? Will I be able to give her the attention and love she deserves? What kind of person will she be? Will she love our faith and walk it like her father and I do? All these weird questions are mixed in with a very nutty birth plan my doc wants me to fill out :/ Do I really want music playing while I give birth? Would I prefer to give birth on all fours or squatting?…Just all very strange questions…

Oh boy…only 10.5 weeks till we hope she makes her debut! Please dear Lord no snow storms! I don’t want to be giving birth in my living room because I cant get out of my drive way. After Aubriegh gets here it can storm till summer hits! ๐Ÿ™‚